- Perpetual calendar, Solid aluminum frame
- Tube gong, Bilateral can aneroid
- Starry sky 10 diamonds
- 6 Jubilee diamonds
This is how the perpetual calendar of the 2051 caliber works: In the Erwin Sattler caliber 2051, the centrally located hour wheel controls the calendar mechanism. Because it rotates once around its own axis within 12 hours, it is only necessary to halve the number of revolutions once within 24 hours to ensure correct progression of the indications. To accommodate the peculiarities of the Julian calendar with months of varying lengths and a leap year after three normal years of 365 days, a so-called month cam is needed. Raised and recessed areas signal information about the respective month length to the main gearshift, which scans the edge of this very specially shaped component. Because February lasts three times 28 and then 29 days, it also requires a four-year wheel that rotates 90 degrees annually in a section of the month’s cam.

At the end of the month, the main gearshift interacts with a stepped worm pulley. In months with 31 days, indicated by raised spots on the month cam, the beak of the main gearshift falls normally over the step and in this way advances the date and month hands by one position. If, on the other hand, a month has fewer than 31 days, the rear end of the main shift lever dips correspondingly deeper into the month cam. This causes the beak to move further out, and the beak to fall over said step after only 30, 29 or 28 days, thus causing the beak to move on to the 1st of the following month. The day of the week and moon phase display remain unaffected. The calendar work moves them forward one position every day.
Gehäuse | - Metallgehäuse (Aluminium) mit Oliven-Wurzelholz-Kassette, hochglanzpoliert - Metallgehäuse (Aluminium) mit Carbon-Kassette, hochglanzpoliert Höhe: 150 cm, Breite: 40 cm, Tiefe: 23 cm |
Gläser | Mineralglas, entspiegelt |
Uhrwerk | Sattler Kaliber 2051 |
Gangdauer | 30 Tage |
Antrieb | Gewicht Gehwerk 6.800 g, Gewicht Schlagwerk 6.800 g an kugelgelagerten Seilrollen |
Gangregler | Invarpendel Ø 12 mm, Temperatur- und Luftdruckkompensation mit Doppelbarometer |
Kugellager | 48 Präzisionskugellager aus Edelstahl |
Rubinlager | 4 in Chatons, 2 Achat-Ankerpaletten |
Zifferblatt | Eloxiert, skelettiert, dreidimensionale, handbemalte Mondphase trichterförmiger Sternenhimmel mit 10 Brillanten (0,10 ct), ewiges Kalendarium, Zentralsekunde, 6 Jubilläumsbrillanten als Indexe, Jubiläumsbutton |
Zeiger | Blaue Stahlzeiger von Hand bombiert |
Schlagwerk | Halbstunden-Rechenschlagwerk mit Röhrengong, Schlagwerk abstellbar |
Schlagzahl | 3.600/h |
Limitiert und nummeriert auf 60 Stück. |
One switch is responsible for the informative calendar displaying the date, day of the week and moon phase. As usual with the masterpieces of the Erwin Sattler manufactory, the moon disc with two opposite portraits of the earth’s satellite is hand-painted with great attention to detail. Manual crowning distinguishes both the two slim steel hands of the calendar and the blue annealed trio for the indication of hours, minutes and seconds. The second cadrature strikes full and half hours with a harmonic sound, and the current hour can also be repeated. If you want peace and quiet, you can turn off the elaborate half-hour chime at any time.
By no means a matter of course: the fine movement with hand-guilloched and then black rhodium-plated front plate delights with a full month of power reserve. Thanks to a well thought-out counter-locking mechanism, the Aperia II continues to run even while the two weights need to be lifted every month. A pendulum serves as a reliable rate regulator, which completes 4,320 half oscillations every hour. The bar is made of hardwood seasoned for many years. This material ensures high accuracy, because it reacts only minimally to temperature fluctuations. Functional and a beautiful sight: The solid, turned brass lens is still nickel-plated after elaborate polishing.
Comprehensive watchmaking expertise is expressed by the well thought-out design details of the Aperia II – as well as a total of 15 ruby bearings, eight precision ball bearings and the coordinated ensemble of carefully fine-machined components. Without exception, all components of the calendar and striking mechanism cadre undergo a loving refinement process. Manually executed cuts and polishes as well as beveled edges testify to the mastery of craftsmanship that was thought to have been forgotten.
Finally, the sanded varnish wooden case is a real feast for the eyes. Despite its complex inner workings, it only adds a discreet eleven centimeters to the wall. Cornice and base with carbon inlays and metal inlays as well as anti-reflective and u-shaped mitered mineral glass complete the perfect construction. Little secrets that the Aperia II shares only with its owner are the door with almost invisible closure by magnet and a flap for the crank discreetly incorporated into the floor.
From the individual number on the polished, silver-plated and then lacquered dial, the limitation of the beautiful pendulum clock to only 60 copies. The reference to the company’s anniversary is further demonstrated by a small hallmark below the “12” and half a dozen exquisite diamonds in the round-cut minute track. The Aperia II – in its entirety a jewel for any living space, which is clearly more than the sum of its numerous individual parts, assembled with the utmost expertise.